Art postcard "Goat goes to give generously" Galina Puzyrna

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Art postcard "Goat goes to give generously" Galina Puzyrna

Article of goods: 113527

Cost 15.00 грн.


Among the oldest New Year mysteries that have survived to this day is the rite of "walking a goat", which takes place on the holidays of Malanka and Vasyl.

The Goat is a symbol of prosperity and harvest:

"Where the Goat walks, there rye will grow.

Where she does not walk, nothing will grow.

Where the Goat stamps, there will be seven heaps of rye.

Where the Goat’s horn goes, there will be a stack of rye.

Where the Goat’s foot stamps, there will be a heap of rye."

Send the greeting card "The Goat is singing carols" to your loved ones with generous New Year wishes.


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