Block «Famous families of Ukraine. The Ostrozky Family 14th-17th centuries»

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Block «Famous families of Ukraine. The Ostrozky Family 14th-17th centuries»

Article of goods: 104923

Cost 60.00 грн.


The Ostroh princes are one of the most famous families in Ukrainian history of the 14th - 17th centuries, defenders of the Orthodox faith, Ukrainian culture and freedom. For three centuries, the Ostroh family was a symbol of a separate Ukraine-Rus, defending national identity.

 The family has given us the stories of glorious men: Grand Hetman of Lithuania Konstanty Ostrogski, his son, Konstanty-Vasyl Ostrogski, a Ukrainian magnate, prominent political and cultural figure, one of the wealthiest and most influential magnates of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Princess Halshka Illivna (Yelyzaveta, Yevdokiya) Ostrozka, whom her contemporaries called the most beautiful woman of the sixteenth century, also came from the same family.

 It is often said that philanthropy is the feat of a person's life, so the Ostroh family performed many feats, acting as founders of churches and monasteries, giving money for their needs.

 The postal block “The Ostroh princely family of the XIV - XVII centuries” consists of three stamps: “Vasyl-Kostiantyn Ostrozkyi. 1526-1608”, “Halshka (Yelyzaveta) Ostrozka. 1539-1582” and “Kostiantyn Ostrozkyi. 1460-1530”.


  • Author Volodymyr Taran
  • Issue date 13.11.2015
  • Printing 40 000
  • Nominal value 16,35 UAH
  • Ukrposhta catalogue number 140
  • Block size, mm 130х90
  • The number of stamps in the block 3

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